Saturday, December 19, 2009

Meaningful Contributions To Others

One of the secrets to making Christmas less commercial and more meaningful is to make meaningful contributions into the lives of others. I dare say that if Christmas has come to be more of a hassle than special, you might want to up your input into the lives of others. The thing that escapes us often is that when it is "all about me" or "my family" or our own little circle, we really can't do enough. We are disappointed and feel oddly that Christmas has diminished in that special quality we love to feel. Include someone outside yourself, your circle or your comfort zone and watch what happens. A wonderful sense of happiness returns to us and we "re-center" somewhere besides our self.

Three really good examples of this recently took place at New Life Assembly. People stepping out to bless others. Terri Springer led and organized a "Simple and Tasteful" L
adies Tea. I wasn't there so I didn't get any pictures to share, but what a great example of making a priority to take out her busy schedule to put together a fellowship opportunity for the women of our church and some of their friends they brought with them. Bless you, Terri!

The men's group recently sponsored a trip to Anchorage to go out on the streets to talk to, pray for and bless whatever person the Lord directed them to. About a dozen men spread out in
downtown Anchorage and each team had a great experience to report. They prayed for healing for one person who was in a wheelchair, they prayed for families that were breaking apart and they also passed out warm hats, gloves and socks to those who needed them.

Then Forrest Nelson and her army of volunteers threw a "Happy Birthday Jesus" party for all the kids and their friends. Over 40 children came to celebrate, dressed up and wearing their "Prince" and "Princess" crowns as children of the King! It was a very special time. Many visitors came and all the children were so excited to be there. What a special time for everyone.

And really, we know it's extra work, expense and time at a really busy time of the year. However, the secret is that it makes a very special time for those involved . The ones to make meaningful contributions into the lives of others don't have to be convinced of the value. Those who think they are too busy or have nothing to give will never know the joy of this special secret. Bless all of you who make it a priority to include others in your lives!

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