Part of this process is defining who we are as a church. It takes a lot more time and soul searching that you might think. For example, write a mission statement for yourself. Define yourself and why you are taking up space on the planet. My guess is that it will take you longer than you think. With an organization as varied as a church, there is a lot of thought that needs to be processed. Once you define yourself how do you express that thought in a succinct and memorable way? It is challenging. It is more challenging to do in a group. Try to come up with a mission statement for your marriage and for your family. More minds, more ideas, more opinions.
We offer up this definition and mission statement for discussion: Kenai New Life Assembly of God is a place to, Discover God, Connect with others, and Serve the world. Discover, Connect and Serve. This is the most succinct statement we have yet come up with to communicate who we are. We want our church to be a place of ongoing discovery about God, from salvation to glory we want each time we meet to help people discover something new about the infinite God we love. We also want our church to be a place to connect with other people. Relationships and fellowship cannot be overrated. They are vital to us. We also think our church can connect to other churches and organization in our communities. We believe we can influence our communities in a positive way that makes a difference. Finally, New Life Assembly can be a base from which our members can serve the world. From hands-on local service to world-wide missions support we can be a powerful influence by our service.
Everything we do can fit into one of those three statements. The conversation is on-going and we may change things yet to better communicate who we are, but this is the results so far for our new mission statement. Discover, Connect, Serve. See if you can remember it. More importantly, see if you can make it happen.
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