Something on a kind of reverse thought to self assessment, while we are identifying areas in our lives to make improvements, we ought to also identify areas of our lives that we are doing well. Our introspective views shouldn't just be looking for faults or shortcomings, but areas of our lives in which we are performing well. Often we are our own worst critics, but let me suggest that we also give credit where it is due. Discover and identify the things in our lives we are proud of, do well and feel competent in. It shouldn't be all doom and gloom.
I am inspired by the writer of Hebrews who in 12:1 tells us: "...let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which so easily ensnares us, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us,". What kind of "weight" do I have in my life that is slowing my race? In my case, it is literally some weight that the doctor tells me I must lose in order to restore my health. Losing my health would really slow my race down. What sin are we tolerating in our lives that is costing us the ability to place well in this race of life?
I think it interesting that that verse refers to both physical things and spiritual things that affect the quality of our life. Think of what wears you down. What things prevent you from giving your best energies to your most important relationships? I spoke with a parent recently who admitted that they were feeling worn out from all of the constant running they were doing to keep their kids in several different programs. They felt like they were neglecting other important things that should be getting done but weren't because their time and energy was already used up. Sounds like a "weight" that needs to be laid aside.
What sin "besets" you most often? What would it take to gain total victory over it? Think of what it would mean for your life if you were free from it once and for all. Think of the power of freedom in living free from that negative influence. I speak to many Christian people who want to do things for the Lord, be in ministry and help others but are full of guilt from a sinful condition in their lives. For fear of hypocrisy they are sidelined in the race they are called to run. Why not conquer it? It is possible with God's help.
Well, I hope 2010 goes well and you accomplish your goals. I thought by now we all were supposed to be living the life of the "Jetsons" and in some ways perhaps we are. However, until we are zooming around in personal spacecraft we have to put one foot in front of the other, running our race one day at a time. Pursue God will all your heart and He will help you live the best year of your life in the next 365 days.