Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Turkey Shoot

Today was our men's "Do Something" event, the Turkey Shoot. What a great time. We had 6 guys show up at the church at 6:30 am to cook a HUGE breakfast (eggs, pancakes, sausage, bacon) for 50 men. Heath Fulk gave a great devotion and then everyone headed off to the Snowshoe Gun Club for the shoot.

It was cold. How cold? Well not as cold as it has been but +10 degrees is pretty cold when you are trying to hold as still as possible, like when you are trying to hit your target. Fortunately, the club has a warm up shack with an old fashioned barrel stove which was stoked with firewood and giving off a warm glow. Pies had been donated as prizes for the shoot, but someone had the GREAT idea of putting them on the stove rack to warm them which lead to another great idea to carve them up into pieces so everyone could have a bite which we did, some more than once.

We had shooting skill levels from "needing development" to "right on the dot". Everyone fit right in. There was lots of laughter and good natured fun as each one took their opportunity to shoot for a free turkey to take home for Thanksgiving. Free t-shirts and Cabela's ball caps were additional prizes for those who fared well in the shooting.

Steve Sturman and Dan were the organizers of this great event with lots of men helping to set up, clean up and cook up. We are having so much fun at our "do something" events and hope that all our men who haven't yet tried them will check it out. Monday Men's Meeting is the place it all happens so we invite you come out and be a part of what God is doing in the lives of men.

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