The adventures and musings of Stephen Brown.
Last evening, Monday night our Monday Men's Meeting (M3) hosted a "Ladies Night" with the intent of promoting better communication between men and women. The evening began with a great dinner of a baked potato bar, lots of choice toppings, veggies, salad and beverages. It was all put togehter by our men. I have linked two short videos, one of the men in the kitchen - wow! It was a hive of activity! and another of the tables that were set up to accomodate everyone. I took this video a little too early as it shows a mostly empty room. However, we actually had to set up two more tables and every chair was occupied!
We enjoyed dinner first (always a good idea), then watched a "teaser" of the video seminar on marriage we will promote as a weekend over Valentine's Day which everyone seemed to throughly enjoy. Then, the ladies were given a series of questions to respond to which they did in groups and each group chose a spokes woman. This was a very interesting and enlightening time! Answers to the questions posed were interesting indeed. It was all very positive and the men had designated "scribes" taking down the answers which will be discussed at the next M3 meeting.
There was so much positive energy in the room! Men who want to be better husbands and fathers. Men who want to be better men. Women who want to help those two objectives. The communication that was fostered no doubt will serve us well. This is part of the on-going "quiet revival" I sense God doing among us. Transforming lives, marriages and homes is what revival is all about and that is what is happening. Lots of honesty is going on and a greater openness among our men and men with their wives. We pray that we just let God do what He seems to be doing and not interfere but cooperate.
Lately I have been asked and have asked others what a revival actually is. As is often the case, we sometimes identify everything around a revival as the revival, but miss the actual essenence. At least in my mind, revival incorporates positive life change. I know we think of a lot of celebratory worship, demonstrative encounters with God, a general feeling of excitement and lots and lots of church services sparked by larger than expected attendances. As I said, these external signs are things we often associate with revival but are not revival itself. True revival is about a life changing from sin to set free. People being convicted of their sin, confession of their sin, repentenace of their sin and then empowerment to live apart from sin. That is the essence of what revival really is. When this kind of movement begins to take place on a larger scale, there is often an exuberent response to seeing people's lives changed, thus the celebratory worship, and other outward manifestations.
Because we tend to characterize revival is such ways, we might miss such a "move of God" if it wasn't heralded by music, waving flags and overflow crowds. What if it was, quiet? No special speakers, no worship bands, no "Jericho Marches". Let me challenge our status quo thinking on revival. What if men were gathering together for three hours out of hunger for God instead of staying home and watching Monday Night Football on TV? What if men were risking embarassment to admit their shortcomings spiritually to other men? What if men were being convicted of their sin and confessing that sin and repenting of that sin? What if all of this was done without fanfare, exuberance and demonstrative exhibitions? Could it still be revival? You can be certain the answer is yes. Emphatically yes. What I have just described is exactly what is happening in our M3 men's meetings. It is humbling and amazing to watch happen. Men are responding positively to the challenge to "step up" and lead as spiritual leaders in their homes, to confess their sin and pray for one another. To apply the turths of scripture to their actual lives instead of living a double life.
So far there isn't a lot of attention being generalted outside the circle of M3, but that doesn't lessen the truth that a revival is taking place, a quiet revival. I am enjoying it very much. It is a wonderful experience to pastor a group of men who don't have to be cajoled into attending, or browbeat into being hungry for God. I am mostly just a participant with the group and allowing God to work in my own life as well as the lives of others. It's the real thing. I'm loving it.