Tuesday, October 13, 2009

09 Kenai Peninsula Minister's Institute

Yesterday, 16 credentialed ministers of the Peninsula Section, plus other church staff and interns, our District Superintendent and the AKSOM leadership team all gathered at Peninsula Christian Center for the 2009 Peninsula Section Minister's Institute. Rev. Mark Zweifel our DYD (District Youth Director) was our presenter on the subject of "Build A Winning Team". I asked Mark to present on this subject as I have watched him do that very thing very well in our district in the 9 short months he has been here.

I observed Mark already demonstrating what he was going to be teaching us before he taught it. Mark has a great gift in pulling people in, building them up and turning them into great leaders. There was a lot of great practical ideas shared as well as the philosophy and mindset of the person who endeavors to build a winning team.

We also were priviledged to host our District Superintendent, Bill Welch and his wife, Dori. Bill shared news from around our District. The diverse challenges and logistics of serving a district as large as the state of Alaska are immense. One of the great needs of our state is to have pastors in many of the villages and small towns off the road system. The lack of employment opportunities, the remoteness, the inability of a very small congregation to support a full time pastor are huge obstacles to overcome. We also need to better resource our camping facillity, Little Beaver Camp. What is the answer? The Lord of the Harvest!

The AKSOM leadership team also shared about the fantastic growth of this equipping and training traveling Bible School. Lattis Campbell shared that his goal was to have 50 students enrolled this year. As of this meeting, there are now over 170 students enrolled. It seems to grow every week. The momentum AKSOM has gained is propelling it to new venues and more students. It is obvious that this has the approval of the Lord on it! After many other attempts to accomplish the same objectives as AKSOM over many years with much smaller results, this seems to be the answer to the unique needs of our immense district.

We ended the day with a great dinner at Froso's. With all of the spouses and ministers, we nearly filled the banquet room. There was lots of happy sounding conversations going all at once as each one enjoyed their dinner. It was a long day, but a good one. It is awesome to be part of a great organization like the Alaska District of the Assemblies of God!

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