Psalm 33:12 (NKJV)
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
The people He has chosen as His own inheritance.
Without attempting to sound negative or doomsdayish, I have been keenly aware of how our country is declining in influence and losing its standing in the world. Now I know that America has long had its detractors and enemies, ever since we were a nation it has been so. But this current situation is different. Before, the world needed America. They may not have wanted us, but they did need us. We were the economic engine of properity of the world. American inventiveness, work ethic, honesty and positive attitude simply made us the indespensible nation on the planet. We have been "the arsenal of democracy", the winning element of world wars and the exporter of goods and services. What we are seeing take place daily before our very eyes is the nations of the world coming to the realization that the USA is no longer needed. In fact, we are a weak, bloated, impotent, unwanted weight on the world in the eyes of more and more nations each day. Pathetic tin-horn dictators can swagger and denounce the USA, flex their newly found muscle in defiance of our best interests without any repercussions. Since we need them, for their oil and their immigrants to fill our needs at home, we can't do a thing about it.
It was recently observed that the destiny of nations could be traced to their missionary furvor. In the 19th century, Great Brittian was the bastion of missionary activity. The majority of missionaries were sent from there as well as an enormous amount of resources to build churches, schools and industry. Before Great Brittian was Europe. Following Great Brittian has been America. As each nation in turn once lead, powered by the churches robust support of missions, each nation declined as the church cooled in its interest and support of the Great Commission. In the 20th century, "The American Century", America held the torch for missions high. No other country on earth has ever done as much as has America in the past 100 years. However, the signs of our decline are beginning to show. The church in America despite the number of "mega churches" which are very visible and influential, is in decline. In America it is measured that the net closure of churches annually is 3000 churches. Most of those churches were once lively, vital congregations but eventually lost interest in missions and the Great Commission. They began to decline, young people ceased to replace the elderly and soon there was nothing left to save.
The point of all of this is, from the local church to the health of the nation, missions must be in our blood. The Great Commission must be a focal point for each church to exist. This is true in the macro and micro sense. Our nation needs us to maintain our vitality and support for missions around the world. God gave us the wealth of the world in order to do this. If we turn away from Him to pursue our own interests, if we become inward and selfish with our resouces, overspend and plunge ourselves into debt, God will simply move on to the next nation that will carry out the Great Commission. We will find ourselves the very mission field we once supported. Great Brittian is now more of a mission field than Africa. Fewer people attend church in Brittian than ever before.
Our decline seems to be taking place before our very eyes. The momentum seems to be with Asia. The rise of China first, but looming greatly just behind them is India. The wealth of the world is leaving America, we are the largest (by far) debtor nation on the planet. Our prosperity is but an illusion. I recently read and was warned, that people my age (50) and younger should not count on Social Security when we retire. There won't be any Social Security. What I have paid to the government all of my working life has been squandered. They still keep taking my money but tell me I won't get it back when I need it. What has been our way of life for generations is slipping out of our hands. The answer to this is simply with the individual believer. We must personally have a vital interest in and support of the Great Commission. If we lose interest and support, God will move on to those who will eagerly take our places and experience His blessing on them and in turn their own nation
I encourage you to evaluate your own missionary support and how interested you are in the cause of missions. How keenly do we feel our need to evangelize our neighbor and friends? By no means do anything out of guilt, but out of conviction that the right thing is what we must do. With God's help we can.