Thursday, April 23, 2009

My, how the time flies!

Many times the content of our day is already spoken for. We rush from place to place, meeting to meeting, checking off our “to do” list and hoping to get it all in before our tired body makes us go to bed. However, there are days where we have a lot of choice in what we do. How do you use your time when you have choice?

The scriptures have a lot to say about our time:

Teach us to number our days... Ps. 90. 12

Redeeming the time...Eph. 5. 16

What is your life? It is even a vapor...James 4. 14

When it comes to the accounting for our time, what will speak from your life? I doubt any of us will be remembered for how much we packed into each day, day after day. But what we might be remembered for was how meaningful our lives were to others in the time we took to do what was important.

I am turning 50 before too long. I wonder how many years I have in front of me. What will I do with the time I have left. What has been done in the past is done, I can’t change it or improve it. But I can make some wise choices with the time I have left. I want to make that time count for eternity. How about you?

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