One of the treats we were able to enjoy on our recent trip to Seattle was for Scott, Brad and I to attend the Mariners vs. Angels baseball game at Safeco Field. Now, we won't talk about the game as that was a disaster for the Mariners, but we were able to enjoy the excitement of the event with friends. Our Network Superintendent, Bill Welch arranged for our group to get a block of seats together for the game on that wonderful and beautiful evening.
It was a real adventure to find parking for the game that night, you would think they would have a better system than what they have which is a hodgepodge of little bitty lots that charge a lot of money here and there and very poorly marked or attended. Once we found parking and fearing we would get towed the whole night, we went to a really great restaurant for a good meal before the game. Once at the stadium, were all given a "bobblehead" which as I kid I had always wanted to own but never had the chance. I have a brother-in-law and nephew who are avid Mariners fans which I sent it to, so I didn't own it long, but now have that desire fulfilled.
Safeco field is impressive to say the least. It is very user friendly and easy to get around. They even have enough food stands so you don't have to miss several innings of the ball game which wouldn't have hurt on this particular night of slaughter, but in case they improve their performance, would be nice.
The game went long, mostly because the Angels enjoyed many at-bats each inning. Just a word of advice to anyone who may go to Safeco field in May, it gets pretty chilly once the sun goes behind the stadium, wear several layers. Some in our group only had short-sleeves on and pretty much froze. I fortunately had a sweatshirt and was fine for the most part.
Not knowing that part of Seattle very well and the ONLY well marked I-5 entrance was closed for construction, we inadvertently toured a good many neighborhoods east of I-5. Eventually we found an on ramp (you could hardly call it well marked) and found our way home. No matter, it was a great time and one that I would like to do again providing the Mariners act like they want to play baseball.