As a pastor I have seen a lot of contradictory behavior, like someone stealing a Bible from the church. Yeah, I know, that isn't just a cliche, it really has and does (once in awhile) happen. My real hope for anyone who does that is that they actually end up reading it, at least until they get to Exodus 20:15, and then just ask for a Bible which we would gladly give to anyone who asks. Speaking of contradictory behavior, I actually read a news item recently reported by Scripps News Service that took place in St. Lucie, Flordia. A person who was employed as a Weight Watchers Demonstrator (how do you demonstrate that?) was caught shoplifting cupcakes at the local grocery store. How embarassing to make headlines with that! I wonder if they lost their job? I wonder what their excuse might have been?
These things of course are contradictory behaviors, like getting the Diet Coke with your Big Mac and Super Sized french fries. I wonder how many times I am guilty of contradictory behavior? (That's OK, you don't have to tell me.) One thing we do know for sure, is that as Christians we are always under observation for contradictory behavior. Just respond to someone in anything less than a completely patient way and pow, you get nailed as a Hypocrite. Hypocrite is the name for someone who practices contrary behavior frequently.
It's so easy to act contrary to our message, isn't it? Someone just today was telling me about an incident of road rage they got caught in the middle of. Even though they weren't the one driving on the shoulder of the road and making rude gestures, their blood was pumping hard and they were feeling both fear and anger at the same time. Responding correctly sometimes is really tough.
That is why it is a necessity for us to walk in the Spirit all the time. Be Spirit controlled. Be Spirit led. The Bible promises us that if we "Walk in the Spirit", that we "shall not fulfill the lust of the flesh. (Galatians 5:16)." So, if you love Jesus, alow Him to help you keep from acting out any contradictory behavior. It may keep you out of the headlines.